MO Group

High net worth individuals

CLIENT: A Russian national, former head of a large financial institution

Task: To ensure the real reasons behind the client's assets freeze and prosecution in Russia are understood in the country of his exile. To protect his business reputation from the smear campaign by people who took over his assets. To prove political nature of his persecution.

Strategy and tactics: Active media relations and social media campaigning initiative were launched aiming to educate journalists and financial community about the Client's position with regard to administrative and criminal charges against him. A solid pool of trusted journalists and supporters was created and became instrumental in disseminating Client's opinion on matters concerning his situation, as well as wider business and political landscape in Russia. Our efforts also brought the best representatives of human rights community to assess the Client's case and form their independent opinion.

Result: Thanks to the third party involvement and international outreach the joint efforts enabled us to raise the Client's case higher in the political agenda of the country of his refuge. His version of the story behind his assets seizure and criminal prosecution became part of a wider discussion about the realities of doing business in Russia and nature of its ruling regime.