MO Group

Law firms

CLIENT: Amsterdam and Peroff

Task: Assist one of the law firm's Middle East clients in protecting his interests, assets and business reputation.

Strategy and tactics: A short but aggressive media campaign was planned and launched in the Russian-language media both in the country of the client's main business operations and in Russia where his partners have been. The key messages were aimed at proving the law firm's client was innocent of the charges that were being built against him by his competitors with close relations to the country's government and that his position in regard to his Russian partners remains secure. Russian-language was designed for his previously publicity-shy company, Q&A and fact-sheet addressing main concerns were drafted, media interviews and articles planned and implemented.

Result: The client's position was communicated clearly and persuasively which gave him additional leverage in negotiating with his rivals. His legal argument was enhanced by determined and robust tone of his interviews, as well as by transparent manner of his company's new information disclosure policy.